Cookie policy


Wat zijn cookies?

Wij maken op deze website gebruik van cookies. Een cookie is een klein tekstbestandje dat een website op uw computer, tablet of smartphone zet op het moment dat u de site bezoekt. In de cookie worden gebruikersinstellingen, unieke nummers e.d. opgeslagen. Zo zorgt de cookie er bijvoorbeeld voor dat u ingelogd blijft terwijl u de site gebruikt. Ook kan worden vastgelegd welke pagina’s u heeft gezocht of op welke links u heeft geklikt. Voor zover persoonsgegevens worden verzameld, worden die verwerkt conform de bepalingen van ons privacy statement. 

Welke cookies gebruikt deze website? 

Hieronder een overzicht van de soorten cookies:

Functionele cookies

Functionele cookies zijn noodzakelijk voor het functioneren van de website en worden geplaatst zodra deze nodig zijn. Het is noodzakelijk voor het inloggen op de website dat een uniek nummer wordt aangemaakt waardoor wij u kunnen identificeren. Op deze manier functioneert de website optimaal. Het unieke nummer blijft bestaan tot u uitlogt of de browser sluit. Uw cookie-voorkeur blijft 2 jaar bewaard. 

Analytische cookies

We maken gebruik van analytische cookies voor webstatistieken. Daarnaast zijn ze nuttig voor het monitoren en verbeteren van de website voor de bezoeker. Wij gebruiken deze cookie om informatie te verzamelen over hoe bezoekers onze website gebruiken. Daardoor kunnen we de website nog beter op u als bezoeker afstemmen. De gegevens worden geanonimiseerd verzameld en worden niet voor een ander doel gebruikt dan voor verbetering van de prestaties van de website. De bewaartermijn is 2 jaar. 


Voordat je onze website gebruikt, kies je zelf welke cookies we gebruiken. Als u uw keuze wilt aanpassen, dan kan dat in de cookie-instellingen. 


Deze cookieverklaring kan zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving door ons worden gewijzigd. De gewijzigde versie wordt voor zien van de datum waarop de laatste wijziging is doorgevoerd. Wij adviseren u om de cookieverklaring regelmatig opnieuw door te lezen, zodat u van eventuele wijzigingen op de hoogte bent. 


Eventuele vragen kunt u stellen aan onze Functionaris Gegevensbescherming, e-mail: privacythuisvesternl

Deze cookieverklaring is voor het laatst gewijzigd in januari 2019. 


Tracking cookies

Tracking cookies identify users on this website and on the websites of third parties such as Youtube. These cookies make it possible, for example, to show appropriate advertisements.
If you do not accept these cookies, you will see less relevant data on the website.

Naam Omschrijving Geldigheid

This cookie is used to show ads on Google sites based on your recent searches.

2 years

This cookie is used to show ads on Google sites based on your recent searches.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

6 months

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

2 years
SID; __Secure-3PSID

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

1 year

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set through embedded YouTube videos or when you are logged in into your Google account. With YouTube videos, the cookie records anonymous statistical data, such as how often the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. When you are logged in into your Google account, for example, navigating the website or clicking 'like' on a YouTube video will be linked to your account.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set via embedded youtube-videos. It registers anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. No sensitive data is collected unless you are logged in into your google account. In that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click 'like' on a video.

1 month

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set via embedded youtube-videos. It registers anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. No sensitive data is collected unless you are logged in into your google account. In that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click 'like' on a video.

2 years

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set via embedded youtube-videos. It registers anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. No sensitive data is collected unless you are logged in into your google account. In that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click 'like' on a video.

20 years and 1 month

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set via embedded youtube-videos. It registers anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. No sensitive data is collected unless you are logged in into your google account. In that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click 'like' on a video.

8 months

Google, YouTube
This cookie is set via embedded youtube-videos. It registers anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback. No sensitive data is collected unless you are logged in into your google account. In that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click 'like' on a video.


This cookie registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location.

1 day

Deze cookie zorgt voor authenticatie met de chat module op de website.


Deze cookie zorgt voor authenticatie met de chat module op de website.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies include the collection of click and search behavior on the website. This allows us to record and keep track of the number of visitors and where they come from, so that we can measure and improve the performance of our website. These cookies help us to see if there are problems with certain pages, whether error messages are displayed, which pages are the most and the least popular and how visitors move around the website.
If you do not accept these cookies, we will be less able to analyze and improve the website.

Naam Omschrijving Geldigheid

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to distinguish users.

2 years

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to distinguish users.

24 hours

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to throttle request rate.

1 minute

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to determine which link has been clicked.

30 seconds from set/update

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to throttle request rate. #ID stands for the Google Tag Manager code.

1 minute

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to throttle request rate. #ID stands for the Google Tag Manager code.

session cookie ? volgens Google is dit 1 minute

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

2 years from set/update

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to throttle request rate.

10 minutes

Google Analytics
This cookie is used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

30 mins from set/update

Google Analytics
This cookie stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how you reached this site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.

6 months from set/update
Functional cookies

Functional cookies are indispensable for the proper functioning of the website and therefore can not be turned off.

Naam Omschrijving Geldigheid

This cookie enables the website to store serialized state data.


This cookie is used to store data of the logged in user.


This cookie stores the preferences for cookies. This determines which cookies may and may not be used.

365 days

This cookie will be set if the requested page is retrieved from server cache.


This cookie stores the preferred language for displaying the website.


This cookie stores the preferred language for dynamically translating the website via Google Translate.


JSON Web Token
To guarantee safe communication between applications.


This cookie is required to validate cache data.


Event name that will be pushed to Google Tag Manager (if applicable).

Cookie instellingen beheren